Friday, July 30, 2010

July 29, 2010 Tall Ships in Duluth

We had the privilege and honor to join Scott and Cathie on their boat to escort the "tall ships" into Duluth harbor on July 29. It was a perfect day and the ships are amazing. Pictures don't do justice to the majestic presence they are on the open water. So many ships in one place was exciting to see. The Bounty was in the movies Mutiny on the Bounty and Pirates of the Caribbean. We give thanks for God's wonderful creation and friends who shared their day with us.

Our Gracious Hosts Scott and Cathie

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010

It has been a long time since my last post. Thanks to those who have reminded me that I have been silent for awhile. We have been busy with the preparations and wedding of our daughter, Whitney to Colin Woelfle. It was wonderful. The preparations were intense but worth every moment invested in the great event. Whitney Woelfle is now a married women!

July 10th was a bit hot like the day Lois and I were married 40 years earlier on July 10th. The Woelfle's and Ostrem's gathered to join our children in marriage. I had the privilege of officiating. Who would of thought this would be my role 40 years earlier. Lois married a dentist who would sixteen years later become a minister.

My life with Lois has been a joy and gift. The vows taken have been lived out in very tangible ways over the past forty have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and to you I pledge my faithfulness. 

Vows are sacred covenants of the heart. Jesus has held us up in all of these times. When it seemed the most difficult or dark, Jesus was always there. We have been strengthened to continue the journey by the experiences shared as husband and wife. Our vows have been reminders of God's faithfulness to us in Christ. We have been blessed by our family and faith for over forty years. We give thanks for all that we have shared together as we celebrate the marriage of Colin and Whitney.