Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, 2011

It has been a wonderful fall. We prepare tonight to "Fall Back" on the clock. We have been fooling ourselves that our days were longer but tomorrow reality will set in. Evening will come earlier each day until late December. I find the days between now and December 21st are some of our best days. Thanksgiving will be here soon and then we prepare for the Christmas season. It is a season of anticipation and expectation. Joy, giving thanks and celebration will fill the days ahead. Don't skip over a day or hour during these days. Savor them and hold them close. 

Lois is doing well. She had to have a hip replaced about 10 days ago. It was affecting her back surgery of last year but seems to have been a good a decision for the future. What a trooper she has been with the two surgeries in the past year. No doubt...women are tougher then guys :-)  Lois, I'm amazed by you.