Monday, November 11, 2019

How would you like to wake up every morning with this little one!

Almost every morning since July Lois and I have had the privilege of waking up to Lindsay calling out "Grandma!" or "Grandpa!".

Whitney and Colin have sold their home and purchased another. They moved into our lower level in July. It has been a multi-generational family experience that one rarely has these days. We have been blessed to hear the stories of the day from Easton and Gus.

Oh there are times when the decibels might reach high levels but the joy of having them in our home out weighs the noise.

We have expanded our TV menu to Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse Club House, Teen Titans Go, Phineas and Ferb only to mention a few.

Family meals have been special. That's where we learn more about the day that was.

Late November they will move to their new home in Plymouth. It will be an exciting day for them and bitter sweet for us.

Love them all dearly.