Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2nd 2011

My son-in-law, Colin is currently running the Mlps-StP marathon...uff da. He has trained for the run but still the unknown lies ahead in each step of the 26 miles. His comment last night as he was doing the "carbo load" thing was that no matter what he would be ok in the fact that he "ran the race."

Life is a marathon. Will we "run the race" in the assurance that Jesus ran it first for us? The lyric from an old hymn written by a man who had lost his whole family in an ocean crossing says..."it is well with my soul." Experiencing Jesus' hands and arms in the midst of the unknown is promised by Jesus in his words..."Lo I am with you always."

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of my father's death. It is his birth into life eternal with Jesus too. My family will remember him as one who mastered the "marathon of Life in Jesus' and one who helped us to "run with perseverance" and hope. Life is not fair. It can be cruel. Yet we run in the promise that no matter what Jesus is right there by our side or holding us. We run looking forward not back to finish the race set before us for "it is well with my soul."
Blessings and thank you for all your prayers.