Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"God Surprises" 2016

A very talent friend, Terry Esau has written a book call "Surprise Me". He writes of a 30 day experiment to become aware of "God sightings" in our daily lives. It is a surprising spiritual journey.

On Monday Feb 22nd 2016 I received an email from a friend and fellow dentist . It was truly a 'God sighting". I have permission to share with you this incredible story.
"Hi Tedd,

Surprised to hear from me?

I told you, I have a story to share.

It's summer time 2008 and I'm alone in my pickup driving on Hwy 10 from Moorhead  to my home NW of Hawley. Believe me when I tell you I really hadn't thought of you for YEARS! Out of the "blue?" there's this voice in my head telling me to "check on" Tedd Ostrem. Ya right! This voice was rather persistent. I chose to ignore it. After a few days of this repeated mental interruption, I told my wife Dianne about it. Normally one doesn't tell folks they hear voices as that could be a one way trip to a treatment facility--Ha! Anyway, I did some internet searching and found out about your retirement from active ministry to deal with a serious medical issue. I sent an email to the only address I could find, but expect it is still in an email graveyard somewhere. Considering the circumstances, I did not attempt to try phone contact. Maybe I should have--don't know. I also ran across your blog, added myself as an unnamed follower, and added you to my prayer list. After I had done those things, the voice gave me some peace and quiet. In the time since, I've followed your struggles as you've shared them and the progress and good news. Anyway, today I noticed your blog shortcut on my computer screen desktop (where it's been since 2008) and looked at your blog and Facebook page and decided maybe now to share "one of those stories" that don't seem to make a lot of sense, but probably have some purpose. Thought you should know. All for now.


Surprise Me!
God was working in 2008 and now as Mike shared this wonderful witness to our merciful and loving God being very active in our daily lives. Thank you Mike!

I am humbled and amazed to share how God, "Jesus the Healer and Intercessor" has worked in my journey toward healing. I encourage you all to listen to that "still small voice" that may be persistently calling you. It is the "Spirit of Jesus" whispering to you. I pray that Jesus whispers in my/your mind and dreams to be faithful to the Spirit's prompting as Mike has done.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

This is a day to give thanks and show our appreciation to others who have made our lives so full. 

Loved ones and friends have poured joy into our lives each day. Today we choose to share our love and gratitude to each one. Remembering missing a moment in time to express our love and appreciation to another may never come again in our life time. Taking time to say I love you is as precious as the days we are given. Giving thanks and praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the only sacrifice of love we can give. Today give thanks and gifts of love. Tomorrow and every day following in our short lives remember to express the thoughts of our hearts for those who have shaped our lives and faith.

Today I remember one of my dear friends and brother in Christ, Chuck Hirt. We laughed, prayed and did life together. I could always count on Chuck. Chuck's presence in my life reminds me of a quote I discovered a few years ago. It was written by a monk who lived centuries ago and describes my friend Chuck's life with us.

"Joy is the Echo of God's Life in us."

Thank you Chuck for making our lives more joyous and thankful by your presence.