Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020 Reflecting on my North Dakota Roots

When you say North Dakota, you will get a variety of responses from folks.
Love it or leave it seems to be the most frequent.

I love North Dakota. There I said it.

 The "smell of sage and a meadow lark calling" in the distance is mesmerizing to say the least.

The sunset in the west with its brilliant colors can take your breath away.

The cold wind out of the north at twenty plus below allows the snow to make a "squeaking sound" under your boots as you walk. There is no cleaner or fresher air than on a very cold winter day with the bright sun shining in ND.

Getting on your horse as the sun is starting to set in the west allowing you to enjoy the dusk drop around you. It is quiet except for the morning doves who flutter up along the path. Your mount snorts a bit but you keep moving around the farm eventually ending up in the yard. You well up with gratitude for all that God has given you to enjoy in this beautiful land called North Dakota.

You hear the cattle moving about behind the barn early in the morning with an occasional bleat or beller to let you know they are ready to be milked.

The smell of hay in the barn wafts across the yard as you walk toward the barn.

You hear a chicken or two feeding nearby. The dog barks. The cats run about waiting for you to milk.

The caves are getting bigger and soon will be fully grown. Little do they know that the will go to market soon.

The separator is running smoothly in the milk room as you carry in another big milk can. There will be fresh cream and milk in the fridge tonight. Put some cream in your coffee and watch it swirl around a bit. Spread that creamy butter on some toast tonight.

North Dakota shaped my life in ways.

I will be heading to ND this summer.

Need a ND fix!