Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 22nd 2017 Lindsay Grace Woelfle Baptism

Yesterday was a historic day in the Ostrem/Woelfle family.  Justin, our oldest, turn 43! Uff da I'm old.
To celebrate his birthday we were privileged to baptize our newest grandchild, Lindsay Grace Woelfle. Pastor Jason, Calvary Lutheran Golden Valley officiated and Grandpa Tedd was able to assist in the service. It was held at Camp Wapogasset in Amery, WI. Whitney and her sister Lindsay both were counselor at the Wapo site and Ox Lake nearby. The baptism was on the beach, Lindsay Beach, named after our daughter Lindsay. Lindsay passed away almost 14 years ago this November. It was a precious day for all our family. Many of the other folks in the video are from Calvary. They were having a family camp weekend.

I will attempt to upload the video to share at