Today Easton Hans Theodore Woelfle was born at 2:13pm . He is 9#; 21". We have been with Mom and Dad since 12:15 today. Mom, Dad and Child are doing very well. Whitney had a C-section due to Easton's size and weight. We have pictures and videos of God's marvelous creation.
Psalm 139 speaks of us being "fearfully and wonderfully made" in our mother's womb. God has provided another great gift for our family. Cousin Haakon visited tonight and wanted to hold Easton. He said he would teach Easton how to play hockey...that's our boy!
Three years ago on October 13th I wondered if I would ever see and hold my grandchildren. God has provided abundantly and faithfully. In June, Haakon will have a little sister and Easton another cousin.
Thank you Jesus for watching over us and blessing us this day.